Print quality

Print quality

Use the HP ToolboxFX print-quality options to improve the appearance of print jobs. These are the same options that are available on the product control panel. For more information, see Control panel.

The four options provided for controlling print quality are resolution, REt (Resolution Enhancement technology), print density, and EconoMode.

Resolution. Select 600 resolution for average print jobs and Fast Res 1200 for higher-quality print jobs. Select ProRes 1200 for the highest-quality print job, but a longer printing time.

REt. You can turn on REt, which HP provides for improved print quality.

Print density. For increased print density, select a higher number. For decreased print density, select a lower number.

EconoMode. Turn EconoMode on when you are printing average print jobs. EconoMode is a feature that allows the product to use less toner per page. Selecting this option might extend the life of the toner supply and might reduce cost per page. However, it will also reduce print quality. The printed image is lighter, but it is adequate for printing drafts or proofs. HP does not recommend full-time use of EconoMode. If EconoMode is used full-time, it is possible that the toner supply will outlast the mechanical parts in the print cartridge. If print quality begins to degrade under these circumstances, you will need to install a new print cartridge, even if there is toner supply remaining in the cartridge.
HP Laserjet M2727 note Print quality NOTE:

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HP Laserjet M2727 Print quality